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$50 for 7.5-Minute Emsculpt Session at Petals Laser Lounge ($250 Value)

New customers only. Appointment required. Must sign waiver. Consultation required; non-candidates and other refund requests will be honored before service provided. Merchant's standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed voucher price). Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person.

Emsculpt is an attempt to contribute to one’s dreamed silhouette without having to workout

  • Professionals fit electrical muscle stimulation machines on the body, which aims to provide a body’s reaction and signal muscles to contract and relax, simulating the effect of sit-ups and other calisthenics.
  • Valid treatment areas: abdomen, flanks

Petals Laser Lounge

At the exclusive spa located in the heart of NYC’s Financial District, clients indulge in an elite experience letting themselves get spoiled. As soon as they enter the luxurious lounge, they are greeted by amiable staff who knows the value of privacy as well as strives to provide unerring service. The team of certified professionals acknowledges the specific beauty goals of each individual and eagerly assists clients in accomplishing them. The menu of advanced pampering treatments at Petals Laser Lounge includes:

  • Laser hair removal – precisely performed on practically any body area of the customer’s choice
  • HydraFacial or Fraxel skin resurfacing – innovative skin care treatments designed for restoring a radiant, silky-smooth, and youthful-looking complexion
  • Body-contouring treatments – utilizing such efficient technologies as Emsculpt, Sculpsure, or V-Shape Ultra to help achieve a dream silhouette

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