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Up to 25% Off at Personal Training

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Sessions last for an hour and are catered specifically to the fitness goals you want to achieve.

My name is Ben Russell. I’m a certified personal trainer in my twenties who wants to make you the best you. I know many people struggle with their body image and I’m here to tell you, with the right guidance, achieving your fitness goals is easy. As long as you have the drive and motivation to change, feel better, and look better, accomplishments can be made easily. This is especially true for people who have the right personal trainer.

I started living in Los Angeles as a model and physique has gotten me commercial and print jobs for brands like H&M, Armani, Hewlett Packard Enterprises, & intel. Year round, I stay at 6% body fat and lift more than twice my own weight. Many people ask me what I do to stay in shape and I’m here to tell you how I answer that question.

Are you unsatisfied with how you look? Do you wish you were stronger and could lift more weight? Are you curious about lifting, but do not know how to execute the proper form? Have you been on a diet that isn’t working? Have you been hurt from your prior training and want someone to help you overcome and train around your injuries? Do you lack the motivation to find time to work out? Do you want to lose weight? All these questions and more can be answered with my commitment to transforming you to be the best possible you. Anything is possible, especially accomplishing your goals and becoming the person you envision.

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