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Cacao Ceremony

What is Cacao? Cacao is essentially the rawest form of cocoa. Over 700 vitamin and mineral compounds. This natural plant medicine is known to boost energy, promote cardiovascular health, improve brain function, metabolism, & gut health. The word ‘cacao’ stems from the Olmec and Mayan word kakaw. The official Latin name for the cacao tree is Theobroma Cacao, meaning ‘food of the gods’. Theo = god and broma = food. It is known as the food of the gods because of its heart opening qualities that allow us to tap into an elevated state of being. Cacao has been used in ceremony in many Native cultures for thousands of years.

Event Links

Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/1581559-0

Website: https://go.evvnt.com/1581559-2

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