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Befriend’s Walk of Kindness

Join the movement! Walk in nature, connect with new friends, and spread kindness throughout the streets of Montclair, NJ. Flowers with inspirational messages will be available for all to share with people we pass by or even leave on parked cars, park benches, etc. What to expect We will begin at Loopwell with centering breathwork and quick introductions to the group. Flowers and message tags will be supplied. You are encouraged to add a positive message that will be affixed to flowers to be distributed throughout your walk. With nature as the backdrop, spend 45-60 minutes together and let the friendship journey begin. Befriend connects people to meet one another, forge new relationships, and unite through compassion. Our goal is to create friendships so that every person can embrace empathy, foster understanding, and bring our world closer together. Everyone belongs. befriendmovement.org @befriend.movement About Mollie With hopes of inspiring everyone she meets to embrace a lifestyle of curiosity, connection and compassion for all, Mollie Reinhart is the founder of Befriend. Mollie, a student-athlete in field hockey and tennis at Hood College in Frederick, MD, graduated with a BA in psychology and management. After working for over 10 years in Hospice, she continued her education earning an Ed. M. from Harvard University in Human Development Psychology and later received a graduate certificate from Stanford University in Applied Compassion led by Dr. James Doty. Long walks in nature, honest conversations over a diet coke, and her hometown of St. Michaels, MD are some of her favorite things. Mollie lives in Richmond, VA with her high school sweetheart & husband, Jim of 35 years and has three adult children. Price: Free

Event Links

Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2459508-0

Website: https://go.evvnt.com/2459508-2

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