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Free Stop The Bleed Course

The "Stop the Bleed" course is a training program that teaches people how to respond to severe bleeding emergencies. Here’s what the course covers: 1. Introduction to Bleeding Control: Understand the importance of stopping bleeding quickly to prevent severe injury or death. 2. Recognizing Life-Threatening Bleeding: Learn to identify signs of serious bleeding, like large wounds or blood that doesn’t stop. 3. Direct Pressure Technique: Practice applying firm pressure to wounds using hands or dressings to control bleeding. 4. Wound Packing: Learn to pack wounds with gauze or other materials when direct pressure isn’t enough. 5. Tourniquet Application: Understand when and how to use tourniquets to stop blood flow in limbs safely. 6. Hemostatic Agents: Use special gauzes or powders that help blood clot to control bleeding. 7. Hands-On Practice: Get practical experience with the techniques on training mannequins or simulated wounds. 8. Scenario-Based Training: Respond to simulated emergency scenarios to apply skills in a realistic setting. 9. Additional Resources and Support: Access extra materials and online resources to reinforce and expand your skills after the course.

Event Links

Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2487100-0

Booking: https://go.evvnt.com/2487100-2

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