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Up to 48% Off on Reiki at 2 of Hearts Healing Center

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Appointment required.

Reiki Sessions will include music and crystal energy healing as well

One 60-Minute Reiki Session with Chakra Balancing

Whats Included? 

  -20 to 30 min consultation so we can set up a treatment plan and an oracle or tarot reading 

  -20 min Reiki and healing work

  - meditation/ relaxation time

  - after session consult 

Treat yourself to the wonderful gift of reiki healing today. 

you may book online at 2ofheartshealingcenter.business.site 

please specify in the notes that you have a Groupon 

One 80-Minute Reiki Session with Chakra Balancing , Crystal Healing, and counseling session

whats included:

- counseling session and consultation. We will work together to develop a holistic healing plan using any go the natural healing modalities we offer. 

-Reiki Treatment

-meditation and after session consult

Treat yourself to the wonderful gift of reiki healing today. 

you may book online at 2ofheartshealingcenter.business.site 

please specify in the notes that you have a Groupon 

one 30 min Reiki Session

This is for a quick chakra balancing or to target a specific area. includes reiki treatment and meditation or relaxation time. Includes a one card oracle reading. 

Reiki aims to balance your energy and improve your wellbeing. It also supports the healing of many persistent ailments. Reiki Grand Masters Danielle and Joe have much experience and would love to share this gift that has changes their lives so much for the better. 

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