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$75 for One 60-Minute Private Online Vocal Lesson for One from Simple Singing Method ($150 Value)

Limit 3 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 90 days. If you make a reservation through Groupon, you may cancel or change your reservation up to 24 hours before its start time. Otherwise, vouchers booked through Groupon will be redeemed and the deal’s promotional value and amount paid will expire. Redeemed vouchers may not be refunded or rescheduled - this also applies to no-shows. Your name and email address will be shared with this merchant to facilitate your reservation.

Experienced instructor helps the student improve their vocal skills during an online lesson

Online Experience
Experience this deal from home, using your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Type of communication: Zoom
  • About the instructor: Jaie has been singing and taking voice lessons since she was eleven years old. She has sung anywhere she could; from her parent’s church choir, through community and school musical theater productions, to her high school choir. Teaching vocal lessons has always been her dream and life goal. Jaie attended Ithaca College where she studied opera, art song, theory, and harmony, and after four and a half years got her Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance. Over the years she perfected her singing and teaching skills to share her vast knowledge with her students. She holds a Master of Music in Choral Conducting, and is the Director of Music Ministries for a spiritual community in Nashville, TN.

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